Thursday, March 19, 2009

Maybe I shouldn't have had that third cup of coffee

Trying to conserve writing skills for paper due tonight. Here is the last couple weeks in pictures.

What my paper is on! Persepolis 2 by Marjane Satrapi. Raddest thing I've ever written 10 pages about.

Favoritest shot from my photography final!

Super-on-sale dress I ordered from J.Crew yesterday while I was at work!

Picture I took in Paris of Hemingway's first apartment when he was poor that I totally forgot about having seen which is now taped to my bedroom wall above the stack of Hemingway books I'm using for my thesis!

Ok. Writing now.


Anonymous said...

I thought that the dress from jcrew went with the caption above it. So confused/impressed. How was that photo class? How many ways did you skin that cat? Was it yuuuuuge?

I'll probably see you tonight at your sister's dance.

No Pants said...

let's just say i got the keys to the kingdom

yessy yes yes i'll be there!!

Maddie said...

Pretty photes!! I wants. Swap painting for a copy? Yellow girl right?

Also, DRESS, betch.

My word verification is "choort". That sounds like a fat person word.