Friday, August 15, 2008

ACTUAL last post from Paris

We spent the last two nights in a hostel to save ourselves some ca$h money and it was an amazing, amazing decision, despite the fact that there's no curtain on our shower. First of all it's about 30 € a night less. Also it's everything you'd ever expect an international backpacking experience to be and more. Instead of going out to expensive bars with the same American kids from our class every night, we spent the last two nights sitting on the hostel terrace talking to kids from all over the world into the wee hours. Everyone goes to the supermarché around the corner, gets about 5 € worth of food, brings it to the terrace and eats and shoots shit. Last night there were about 10 or 11 of us there and about 8 different countries were represented. It's humbling to talk to people my age who speak 3 or 4 languages fluently, but everyone is ultimately just really curious and friendly.

Our train leaves for Zurich tonight at 6ish. We bought groceries for the whole day this morning, so our plan for our last few hours in Paris is just to lounge around in the sun eating cheese and Nutella (aka Divine Food of the Gods) and finishing off the bottle of wine we bought last night. It's been lovely, uplifting trip and I'd stay here for years and years if I could.

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