Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Forest Friends

In an effort to describe the way in which time passes as we housesit, Maddie and I have dubbed the home of which we are in charge "The Vortex." We've been here for a little over a week but we really can't seem to remember much of it. My friend Gwyn came over the other day and asked how we pass the time in a house where the dogs can't be left alone. Neither of us could really come up with a substantial answer.

So, since the negligible amount of money I'll be making from this venture will probably be spent at Target and various Portland area bars within 24 hours of me receiving it, I feel the need to offer some sort of proof that we spent two weeks in The Vortex. Here are a few snapshots of the crazy creatures our employers refer to as "pets"...

This is Gertie. She's pretty aloof. We don't really know a whole lot about her aside from the fact that she's super old and puked on the living room carpet.

This is Spike. She likes to live dangerously, as evidenced by the fact that she has one paw on the On button and another on the burner of the gas stove.

This is His Royal Goobyness, the thorn-in-our-sides-but-we-still-have-this-weird-affection-for-him, Charlie. He's the reason we can't leave the house. We tried one time and he ate six croissants.

Here is Max, doin' what he do best, playin' chase. Seriously though, this little dude can chase a ball for hours. Our nickname for him is Maxi-Pad.

When I saw this picture, I told Maddie that if she ever starts a blog, it should be called Angryface.

If you say you don't remember this game, you are either a filthy liar or had the saddest childhood ever.

Sorry this post had nothing to do with travel! Maybe it will serve as a point of contrast to future posts from exotic locales. Hell, anything looks exotic when juxtaposed against pictures of somebody else's pets and Maddie's sad face, right??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fishing game makes me very stressed out. I remember cheating by holding the pole at the very top instead of at the base. I hate losing.

Those animals look awesome. Who needs to leave home when you have furry friends to keep you company? hmmmmm, maybe Belle wasn't so crazy after all.