If you took away their hair and clothes (ohohohooo...), they'd all look exactly the same. So, my question is: does the fact that I (and many American young women of a certain age) watched Disney movies and absolutely nothing else during my formative years basically proscribe what men I find attractive and what men I don't? Let's take a look, using some of my celeb crushes. The results, I think, are verrrrrrry interesting...
First! Exhibit A! John Krasinski from "The Office" and Prince Philip from "Sleeping Beauty":
Strong jawline, hair dashingly coifed to the side, playful-yet-nonthreatening smirk...I see it.
Number 2: Joaquin Phoenix and Prince Charming from "Cinderella":
They're both brooding, a key element that is quite often my downfall when it comes to dudes. Also same hair and, sort of creepily, skin tone?
I realize this next Disney hero isn't technically a prince, but I had a huuuuuuuge crush on Peter Pan, so I think it's important that I include him.
I mean, I know James McAvoy supposedly just made the transition to big action star (I haven't seen "Wanted"...Angelina Jolie makes me uncomfortable) but part of his appeal to me is that he sort of has that youthful, man-boy thing. It's enhanced by the mop-top he shares here with Peter.
Finally, sigh...the Prince from "Snow White" (he doesn't seem to have a real name...) and Floyd from "30 Rock":
I guess my point is that there is definitely a pattern here, no? Like the cartoons, all the celebs have vaguely the same facial structure, hair, etc. I mean, the Disney princes are clearly not modeled on this. I also think it's significant that my favorite Disney movie of all time is "Beauty and the Beast," and I much, much prefer the Beast to that effeminate, girl-voiced pansy he turns into at the end. So make of it what you will.
So! That was fun! Thanks for stopping by, I promise the next post won't be as long as this one. Or maybe it will. Depends on what's on Unavision tomorrow.
what a fine first blog post you've got here. I'd add that the princesses were definitely not as accessable, mostly because of their stupidity.
I beg to differ. That Jasmine had a midriff that just wouldn't quit! AND she was snarky. That's hot.
And then there's Belle...
Oooh, and then there's my fiery femme, Ariel.
(I could go on)
Nice blog, Lo-Lo.
jasmine was sooooo not snarky. she was more like, "ehhhhh aladdin save me from this giant hourglass"
heyy! where in europe are you going? im going to germany and czech republic during august. keep in touch :)
I'll give you Belle... although I don't know... Getting frisky with animals. Weird.
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