Saturday, August 29, 2009

I forgot how to blog

Oh, uh, hey, internet, um, so about that time I surfed and surfed and surfed you without contributing anything in return for a couple--ok fine, five--months...uh...sorry?

I know I've been le suck this summer, but, to be completely honest, this summer has sort of been le suck, too. Why? Well, for starters everyone cool died! MJ, Ted Kennedy, Bea Arthur. You can't just blog away that kind of pain.

Luckily one of the biggest bummers of the summer, the absence of Maddie, is about to be rectified, and I really shouldn't whine about it because she had herself a grand ol' time in Italia (her much-more-interesting-than-my-blog blog is here). And I got some kickass presents out of the deal, so. I guess I'm ok with it.

Here's a photo of the Return of Maddie, the exact moment at which my mom exhaled for the first time in the month Maddie was abroad and at the mercy of The World:

I call it "Stripes."
Anyway, pals, I'm looking forward to the fall, which is weird and a little traitorous, but I must be honest. In exchange for this blasphemy, I promise to Be a Better Blogger.